A Little about me and diva’s diversion

When I was 13 I taught myself how to sew.  I wanted more control over my wardrobe.  There was something really empowering about being able to use the treadle machine to create something that I was willing to wear.  By my late 20’s I was quilting.  That first quilt was a “Biscuit Quilt”.  The recipient loved it but feared the weight of the quilt would smother her.  Before long, with the help of Georgia Bonesteele and Eleanor Burns, I was piecing quilts.  I love to piece. 

Quilting has been instrumental in meeting new people and developing friendships.  Everywhere I moved to the first thing I would do is find a quilt group.

When I was in Des Moines, I worked for NW Fabrics and developed their class schedule and taught a few quilting and craft classes.  The guild in Des Moines was HUGE, over 300 members, so the programs were really special.  But as good as the programs were the show and tell was even more inspiring. You just never know how many people you inspire, so SHOW YOUR WORK.

Then we moved to Warrenton, Virginia.  I walked into Quilter Confectionery, and had a wonderful job there that lasted several years.  There, I worked shows.  I’ll be the first to admit that shows are an immense amount of work, but a great opportunity to meet new people that share the same enthusiasm for the craft.  I also taught classes at the shop.  The guilds there were small buy mighty.  It was through the Fauquier County Quilters that I was introduced to the “retreat” experience.  I found myself volunteering to coordinating the “creative side” of six retreats and coaching people through their quilts.

Recently I have begun offering programs sharing my quilting and retreat experiences. 

I blog to share my work.  As with show and tell you just never know who you will inspire.  Once in a while I might even share a garden view or a recipe.  Also, documenting my work keeps me focused.  Well somewhat.  I’m hoping to finish more than I start, and impart some joy and enthusiasm.  And it bears repeating, SHOW YOUR WORK.  

If your guild or group is looking for a trunk show or a quilt coach, reach out.  I’m happy to share and show my work.

Also if you are looking for a gift for a loved one or a something for your home or inspiration for a new project check out my Etsy Shop.  Books and supplies are from my collection, and all of the quilts were pieced by me.  vintagevacouple@etsy.com



4 Responses to A Little about me and diva’s diversion

  1. Line Green says:

    I love your blog Diane!

  2. Annie Morgan says:

    Hi, Di, this is really cool that you are blogging!

  3. Katherine says:

    Hi Diane, just found your card in my wallet and finally looked at your blog. Love the denim quilt. It’s the one you were working on when we met at Brandermill. Your blog postings are really great. Katherine

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