Fun and Done – Charity Quilting and a New Flag

I’ve been putzing away the summer, doing a little of this and a little of that. Making a few blocks on this quilt, and then changing direction and working on another project. It’s my work style. But the problem is I never feel like I get anything done. And then I do.

My friend Sandy told me about this six hour quilt and I pulled some fabric and made one. But one wasn’t enough so I made another. Because I didn’t want them to be too big, just big enough for a recliner or chair I made them smaller than directed.

The front and back are done at the same time, and it’s like having two front sides. These are by no means heirloom quilts, but they are perfect to throw in the car or use at a game. The one thing to remember is that batting is directional – seriously, who knew?! For those of you who do a lot of charity quilting, this works up quickly and easily. Need a fast gift – this works great. Directions for this are at You can also find a video on YouTube, Kay Wood’s 6 Hour Quilt Techniques. In the video Kay Wood does hers with a serger. Mine were done with a standard machine.

Then I made this

I call this my ROYGB Quilt aka Pride

I enjoyed working on the patriotic quilts last year and thought I would try this out. Working with the primary colors was a joy and brought back memories of Mrs. Bakers first grade class and learning our colors. The method was simple and piece went together beautifully. This particular quilt is just 46″ x 61″ so it is perfect for the couch or car, or can be hung on a wall.

The quilting is ADORABLE!

Quilting was done by Terry Burris Quilting and the design is called “I Love You Hand Sign”.

It felt good to FINISH something.

Check out the vintagevacouple on Etsy for gifts and books and fabrics.

About divadiversion

Creative procrastinator. Cock eyed optimist. Family historian - with the story being the important part. Quilt coach, lecturer and creator. Scrapbooker, card maker. Modern vintage. Wine lover. Explore new places, let's travel - let's go!
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